we recommend...

These are some of the people and companies we do regular business with and are happy to recommend them to you.

Tell them that JMAUROPHOTO sent you.

Professional Home Stagers

When listing a home for sale, the three most important factors for success in getting it sold and for the highest price are:

  • A GREAT Realtor,

  • GREAT Photography, and

  • GREAT Staging.

Here are some professional stagers that we have worked with.

Georgia Home Staging Pat Shankle (770) 514-9400 https://georgiahomestaging.com/
Legacy Residential Interiors Susan Campbell (770) 713-7954 www.legacyresidentialinteriors.com
Ask For Staging Amy Powders (678) 951-0010 https://www.askforstaging.com/


We've had great experiences with all of the service providers mentioned above and so we are pleased to recommend them as a convenience to you. Here comes the disclaimer..."Your results may vary."