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Visitors 232
414 photos

Crystal Edwards and Nick Lampos. September 7, 2013 on the Marietta Square, Marietta, GA. Reception at the Marietta History Museum, Marietta, GA
Crystal and Nick_StrandMarietta History Museum-1Crystal and Nick-165Marietta History Museum-3Crystal and Nick-4458Crystal and Nick-4506Crystal and Nick-4507Crystal and Nick-4511CristalNick-4531IMG_4534Crystal and Nick-4535Crystal and Nick-4536Crystal and Nick-4540Crystal and Nick-4582Crystal and Nick-4588CristalNick-4590Crystal and Nick-4595Crystal and Nick-4596Crystal and Nick-4600Crystal and Nick-4616

Guestbook for Crystal and Nick Lampos Wedding
Crystal Lampos(non-registered)
Thank you so much! I've already put some pics on my Facebook. Getting great reviews. :) Please let me know as you continue to upload more photos.

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